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A helpful guide to keeping your puppy safe indoors

Welcome to the world of dog parenting! It’s a tough and tiring journey, but it’s very rewarding. Before you bring your furbaby home, there are certain precautions to make sure that he or she is safe at home. Here are helpful tips to keeping your home safe for your pup:

Set up a doggo-friendly space

Like babies, a dog is curious by nature. He or she will walk, smell and chew anything, anywhere. So, your pup needs a “doggo-friendly” space where he or she can be safe when you’re not at home.

Set a space in a room that’s safe enough for your dog. You can place a crate, add a “baby gate” or fill it with lots of blankets.

Secure trash cans and toilet lids

Your dog can sniff out everything—even food waste, garbage, and leaks in the bathroom. Block your pup’s access by keeping your trash bins and toilet bowls closed. This protects your furbaby from potential exposure and ingestion of old food and other harmful materials.

Don’t leave cords or cables exposed

Protect your pup from sudden shocks, burns or suffocation by securing your electrical cords, cables and hoses. Dogs tend to think of certain items as toys, so it’s your responsibility to keep them secure.

Keep your cords and cables in drawers. You can also store them in areas where your puppy can’t reach them. If you can’t survive without a charger, make sure to secure it with a cord protector.

Keep medicines and supplements out of reach

Human medicines are poisonous to your dog. With this, make sure that all medications, vitamins and supplements are kept out of your furbaby’s reach. Store them in cabinets or shelves where your dog can’t reach them.

If your dog is on medication, make sure to separate his or her pills away from yours. Have a designated space for pet pills, medicine cups and droppers.

Store clothes and shoes

Your furbaby can recognize your scent from anywhere. Even when it comes to your clothes. This can be risky if you leave your pup near your clothes and shoe cabinet.

Store your clothes and shoes safe in cabinets or drawers that restrict access from your dog. Make sure to empty your hampers, ironing boards, washing machines and dryers as well.

Move toxic plants to a safe area

A plant is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but it can cause serious problems for your dog. It can cause vomiting, indigestion, even death.

If you’re also a plant parent, keep them away from your dog’s crate, pen or space. This protects both the plant and your pup, who might eat them or create a mess. Poisonous plants (for dogs) include fern palm, hortensia, and wisteria.

Set a cleanup time—and stick to it

Cleaning up after your dog can be tiring and time-consuming. However, it’s important to set a time dedicated to your furbaby’s urine, poop, and fur. You can set a cleanup time twice a day.

This can help you stay on schedule with your other daily tasks. Aside from that, you will help your pup get used to his or her daily routine.

Having a dog is a life-changing experience. But beyond those adorable pictures and cuddles, it’s a big responsibility to commit every single day. Make sure that you’re well-informed and equipped before taking a step toward pup parenthood.

Article and Photo originally posted by Property Report Ph last February 6, 2021 and written by Hannah Mallorca.

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