Another side of the story. While SMC has just turned over some Bulacan residents’ land titles due to the airport project, an environment group is protesting this initiative. REBPH hopes that SMC will hear them and come up with a win-win situation for all parties.
Various groups on Tuesday asked the Supreme Court to stop the construction of an airport in Bulacan, saying pushing through with the project would violate environmental laws.
Oceana led fisherfolk and civic groups in filing a petition for writ of kalikasan against San Miguel Corp.’s (SMC) Aerocity airport project in Bulakan, Bulacan.
The fisherfolk group was represented by Teodoro Bacon and Rodel Alvarez. Oceana Vice President Gloria Estenzo Ramos, Roger Martinez of the Archdiocese of San Jose del Monte City and Aniban ng mga Manggagawa sa Agrikultura Chairman Renato de la Cruz were among the petitioners.
The group assailed the project, particularly the reclamation of Manila Bay, which would affect their livelihood.
A writ of kalikasan is a legal remedy that provides protection of a person’s constitutional right to a healthy environment. The writ is upheld by Article II Section 16 of the 1987 Constitution states that the “state shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.”
Named respondents are Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Roy Cimatu, Environmental Management Bureau Region 3 Regional Director Wilson Trajeco, Transportation Secretary Arturo Tugade, San Miguel Aerocity President and Chief Executive Officer Ramon Ang, and Silvertides President and CEO Hercules V. Galicia.
SMC Aerocity, with its subsidiary-contractor Silvertides Holdings, plans to construct a state-of-the-art airport to be called the New Manila International Airport.
“We have to keep on working together in the protection, rehabilitation, and conservation of Manila Bay, not only for its economic importance and contribution to national food security, and for its historical, cultural, and aesthetic value but to make ecosystems and people resilient to the impacts of climate change,” Estenzo-Ramos in a statement.
SMC Aerocity had said that the project would ease traffic congestion in Metro Manila and address the need of the country for a modern airport.
The company said it launched a multi-river system dredging project that includes the P1-billion cleanup of the Tullahan-Tinajeros River system to reduce flooding in Bulacan province.
“The planting of 200,000 mangroves to further protect coastal areas throughout the province and Central Luzon, is also well underway,” SMC said.
It said that it commissioned a foreign firm to conduct a comprehensive and independent study of the possible environmental impacts of the project.
SMC doubted the participation of Bacon and Alvarez in the filing of the petition.
“Both of them have expressed to SMC that they have not had any contact with Oceana for some time now. They are not even aware they are among the petitioners. On many occasions, Mr. Bacon, in particular, has gone on record to express gratitude to SMC for providing him and his family the financial means, as well as all the assistance he and his neighbors needed, to build their new concrete homes on land the company helped them find. It was also SMC that ensured that the land was titled to each family, and that their homes would have access to water and electricity,” it said.
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Article and Photo originally posted by Manila Times last December 16, 2020 and written by Jomar Canlas. Minor edits have been made by REBPH to cater to its own readers.
i love this just right post